Most common travel glossary terms


Most common travel glossary terms

The travel business is full of jargon and acronyms, so we believe you find this dictionary of travel language useful!

  • A-la-carte – food that can be ordered as individual items rather than as part of a set meal. It is applicable to both meals and trips.
  • Boutique hotel – a small hotel that focuses on a trendy environment with furnishings and artwork.
  • Glamping – is camping with the kind of luxury that some vacation houses offer.
  • Long-haul flight – a commercial flight that crosses 4000 km or more.
  • Off-peak season – season with the least visitors in a specific destination.
  • Responsible tourism – tourism that has a low environmental effect and increases the well-being of the local population.
  • Round-the-world ticket – pre-arranged flight tickets with two or more destinations around the world.
  • Trekking – travelling on foot across high terrain.
  • UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation; an organisation established to safeguard and preserve natural and cultural wealthy across the world.