Intriguing superstitions from around the world


Intriguing superstitions from around the world

Most individuals are a little superstitious. Whether it’s putting faith in fortunate numbers or avoiding terrible portents, numerous civilizations throughout the world have interesting stories to tell about their superstitions: 

  • Never kiss or shake hands across a threshold – if you kiss or shake hands with someone across a doorway or across two separate rooms in Eastern European countries, your beloved or friend will become your deadliest enemy. 
  • Singing during supper in the Netherlands means you’re singing to the devil and thanking him for your food. 
  • Many residents in Portugal think that going backwards is bad luck. 
  • In Brazil, leaving your wallet or handbag on the ground is thought to bring terrible financial luck. 
  • Whistling is prohibited indoors in Lithuania because the sound is thought to bring devils. 
  • In Turkey, an itching right hand indicates that you will make money, but an itchy left hand indicates that you will lose a lot of money. 
  • In Egypt, it is believed that seeing or hearing an owl portends bad news. 
  • Spilling water behind someone in Serbia genuinely gives them a lot of good luck. People may frequently splash water behind a loved one who is about to go on a lengthy journey.