What is unique in Africa? 


What is unique in Africa? 

  • With 154.7 million inhabitants, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. This amounts to 18% of the overall population of Africa.
  • The population of Africa is 1.2 billion. That amounts to 16% of the global populace.
  • Africa’s largest nation in terms of land area is Algeria.
  • The hottest continent in the world is Africa – Africa boasts a tropical environment, making it the warmest continent in the globe, as you are undoubtedly already aware. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world, with temperatures that frequently reach beyond 40°C. Approximately 60% of the area is dry and divided by desert.
  • In Africa, more than two thousand languages are spoken. Arabic is the most widely spoken language.
  • Africa is where our ancient ancestors came from – Africa is referred regarded as “The Cradle of Humankind” because to the abundance of fossils and implements found there that suggest here is where early human life first began. These individuals represent the earliest known members of the species homo-sapiens, to which we belong.